s y n e c d o c h e  
  s    t    u    d    i    o          p h o t o g r a p h s  b y  K i m  K a u f f m a n


  Intersection from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Cadence from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Resolution from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects    
  Enigma from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects   Fascinating Rhythm from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Synecdoche Studio 517-321-2815 "Archetype" from Kim Kauffman's limited edition series Collaborations scannography photo collage multiple scans of original 3d objects  
  Mandela from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Foundation from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Dialogue from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Sanctuary from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects  
  Synecdoche Studio 517-321-2815 "Strata" from Kim Kauffman's limited edition series Collaborations scannography photo collage multiple scans of original 3d objects Crosscurrents from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Fabrication from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Geometery from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects  
  fine art photograph titled Strata from the collaboration series by fine art photographer kim kauffman Brocade from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects   Mantra  from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects  
  Within Without from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Weave from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Chroma from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects Star Gazer from the Collaboration Series by Kim Kauffman Scannography Photo Collage made with multiple scans from original 3d objects  

c o l l a b o r a t i o n s

The act of working together.

This series of photo collages, begun in 2006, is based upon the Florilegium series in both subject matter and process. It studies the forms nature repeats across all living things and how we humans have mimicked these designs in numerous ways. Nature is a great teacher for artists, presenting us with perfect forms as models and inspiration. I have combined human-made objects such as metal turnings, window screen and mesh bags with plants and other natural objects.

My work has always been about the forms we find all around us. I’ve been drawn both to the natural forms of plants and to the organic shapes I see in human creations. Many of my earliest photographs are details of architecture, furniture, even plumbing fixtures that emphsize their organic qualities. Combining human-made forms with natural forms was only a matter of time for me. In some photographs the synthetic objects and the plants mirror one another, in others they provide counterpoint for each other.

The Collaborations images can be comfortable or a bit disturbing ­­ depending on the viewer’s interpretation. They pose, but leave unanswered, the question of the success of the human collaboration with the rest of nature.


artist statements

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